My Dog Needs Glasses Pinterest contest

Arlo Needs Glasses Pinterest Contest and book review

At the Mojo house we have two dogs, neither of whom are named Arlo or in need of glasses.  However, we can fully identify with Arlo Needs Glasses because we’ve had them since high school.

The Review

Arlo Needs Glasses is a children’s book by Barney Saltzberg.  We had one of his books in our children’s collection already.  Peekaboo Kisses is a touch and feel book that Toddler Mojo has had since he was about six months old.  It’s a great kid’s book with simple words and different textures for the kids to touch that relate to each animal.

Arlo Needs Glasses continues to relate animals to children in a way that they can enjoy and learn from.  The pictures are crisp, painted on a wispy background that tells the story of a boy and his dog that needs glasses.  The recommended ages for the book are 3 and up.  We gave the book to our testing audience that was made up of a 7 and 9 year old girl.  They loved the book’s illustrations and the fact that it was very interactive with glasses that they could try out on the 3D dogs in the book.

As someone who reads the book to a curious toddler I like the book because it’s fun, short and full of colors and activities that make reading it fun.  Toddler Mojo would agree in that he likes the pictures and can read some of the words, but we keep the pop out aspects of the book away from his toddler hands.   Arlo Needs Glasses will also help kids get familiar with glasses and learn that some people, or even dogs need to have glasses.

The Pinterest Contest

Do you have a dog?  Do you have a pair of glasses?  Just take a photo of your dog wearing glasses and upload it to the My Dog Needs Glasses Pinterest board.   You know that you’ve put glasses on your dog before.  This time just take a picture and upload it to Pinterest.

My Dog Needs Glasses Pinterest contest
My Dog Needs Glasses Pinterest contest

The 5 photos with the most likes and re-pins will receive an autographed copy of Arlo Needs Glasses by Barney Saltzberg.  This contest runs through July 31, so get that photo of your best friend wearing your glasses up ASAP.

We received a promo copy of Arlo Needs Glasses in consideration for promoting this contest.  The thoughts on the book are 100% our own.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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