Is losing one’s tooth a time to panic or a rite of passage? How someone answers that might depend on how old they are and whether or not they’re a vampire. I mean, what if the very definition of what embodies you (or at least, what you think embodies you) were to change? In I Love My Fangs! the specific change that’s being referenced is one that every adult experienced 20 times. The first couple of times might have been traumatic, but after that, it was all gravy and tooth fairy expectations.

I Love My Fangs! is an illustrated book about a pre-K vampire who absolutely loves his two fangs. All of his relatives have them, regardless of if they’re the pink furry creatures or the somewhat distant relative who has blond hair and a series of four fangs. Being a vampire and all, he’s defined by his two beautiful, pointy teeth. But then, one day at school when he bites into his carton of blood, it becomes loose and starts to wiggle.

He tries to push it back in, but it just pops right out and proceeds to bounce across the cafeteria. This freaks a young vampire out as he imagines all of the kids in school making fun of him and his one tooth. He retreats to his room where he says that he’ll never leave. As he drifts off to sleep he’s awakened by a fairy who is in the process of stealing his tooth! He manages to finally capture the wily fairy downstairs with his tooth, but in the process has awakened his parents. After a brief intervention, his parents convince him that he has to let go of the tooth that fell out in order for it to be replaced.

When he wakes up in the morning he’s ecstatic to realize that his tooth has been replaced and is actually bigger and sharper. The monster order of life has been restored and he can’t wait for his other tooth to pop out.
I Love My Fangs! is an illustrated book that’s great for those kids who are about to lose their first tooth. Because of its monster theme, it’ll also be appropriate for Halloween time. Lastly, did you know that there was a National Tooth Fairy Day? Dentists also get in on the action on March 6th, when it’s National Dentist’s Day.

This is a one-themed illustrated book about a vampire losing a tooth that crosses over to be enjoyed anytime because of its relatable theme, as well as the bright, vibrant artwork. Don’t be fooled by the vampire on the cover. This is a book that ages four through eight will enjoy any time of the year, but might carry a sweet spot for young readers closer to Halloween.
The text and art are by Kelly Leigh Miller. The illustrations are ridiculously happy and are impossible to resist. Because a vampire is our main character, there are many instances where his black hair, midnight background, or a stray raven has the opportunity to contrast with positive hues. This is a monster book that even kids who don’t like or are scared of monsters will enjoy. While the vampire certainly has the front seat, it’s the story of losing one’s tooth that will keep readers glued to the book. A combination of the book’s simple text, in addition to the classic, new retro art will make the book feel fresh and theirs, regardless of when kids read it.
I Love My Fangs! Is by Kelly Leigh Miller and available on Simon KIDS.
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