This week in all age comic books has Scooby Doo, Marvel Action, Hex Vet, Lumberjanes, Hazardous Tales and Star Wars.

All age comic books for December 18

New comic book day is nigh and this week in all age comic books has a return to more comics that are appropriate for younger readers, some old school reprints and a couple great graphic novels. Where do witches and other monsters take their pets when they’re sick? Hex Vet, The Flying Surgery, an original graphic novel from Boom! Studios answers that question and is great for elementary school readers and up. Two dogs, Scooby Doo Where Are You #102 and Snoopy A Beagle of Mars will keep the classic canine readers engaged. Lumberjanes #69 is out and is one of the best all age comic books that comes out each month. If you have a reader who is in middle elementary school through high school they’ll find something to love about this comic book.


Hex Vet, The Flying Surgery, UE, M

Scooby Doo Where Are You #102, E, M, H Snoopy A Beagle of Mars, E, M, H


Marvel Action Classics Spider-Man Two-In-One, E, M, H Marvel Tales Annihilation #1, M, H Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur TPB Vol 8, E, M True Believers Annihilation Moondragon, M, H True Believers Annihilation Mantis, M, H True Believers Annihilation Super Skrulls, M, H True Believers Annihilation Super-Adaptoid, M, H Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, TPB, Powers of a Squirrel, UE, M, H


Cosmo, The Mighty Martian, #2 of 5, E Doctor Who 13th Holiday Special #2, UE, M, H Lumberjanes #69, UE, M, H Jim Henson Dark Crystal Age of Resistance, #4, UE, M, H Jim Henson Storyteller Sirens, M, H

Nathan Tale’s Hazardous Tales Major Impossible, M, H

Star Wars Adventures #29, E, M Star Wars Adventures Greatest Hits, E, M

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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