Mortal engines, sneak preview, Peter Jackson, Atlanta

Win a pair of tickets to the #MortalEngines preview in #Atlanta

What to do after Lord of the Rings? That was the question that Peter Jackson. His answer came a couple years after what fans would’ve liked-and it’s not in the form that they expect, but it’s here. Mortal Engines is the first book in a quartet that was written by Phillip Reeve. This is steam punk post-apocalypse, where the cities are now built on machines that crawl on land and devour other cities. Sign us up.

Mortal engines, sneak preview, Peter Jackson, Atlanta

We’ve always been down with steam punk. On the way the Dragon Con last year our youngest sat beside a steam punk Colonel Sanders. To him (and us) it was one of the highlights of the con and produced some of the most memorable photos. I state that to say that my admiration of steam punk has somehow traveled down the gene chain to the kids.


The Atlanta sneak preview of Mortal Engines is Tuesday, December 11 at Atlantic Station. We’ve got 35 pairs of tickets to this sneak preview. Do want to see the sneak preview of Mortal Engines in Atlanta? Just RT the tweet, leave a comment or shoot us an email to  We’re pumped about seeing this film and want you to see it also.

Mortal Engines is a new epic directed by Oscar winning visual-effects artists Christian Rivers. Peter Jackson penned the screenplay, along with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens. Producing the film are Zane Weiner and Amanda Walker from The Hobbit trilogy, Deborah Forte from Goosebumps, as well as, Walsh and Jackson. Even watching the trailer for Mortal Engines you can sense the undercurrent of the passion and style that made Lord of the Ring so epic.

Mortal Engines takes place hundreds of years after civilization was destroyed by cataclysmic events. Now the predator cities take down anything in its path and London is the top dog. Toss in some mysterious characters, Hugo Weaving and we’re there. Win passes to the Atlanta sneak preview of Mortal Engines. It’s Tuesday, December 11 at night, we’ll email you the exact time and details. To enter, just RT the tweet, leave a comment or shoot us an email.  We’re pumped about seeing this film and want you to see it also.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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