Summer, A Pop-Up Book brings home the 3D fun for three and up

As a kid we loved pop-up books. We had one that was King Arthur themed. As you turned each page the castle would raise up, goblets would move to the mouths of thirsty knights and fair maiden’s hair would creep down the castle walls so rescuers could climb them. Yeah, that last one always made me question the legitimacy of the Renaissance too.  Thankfully, Summer offers no such questions. Instead it’s a rip fun time that’s consistent with Spring, Fall or Winter, the other books in the series by David A. Carter.

As you open the book you’re greeted by a Cherry Tree that pops off the pages. Around the tree is a farm off to the right hand side, a Corgi, some Turkey Vultures in the sky and other things that you’ll typically see in a rural farm. Turn the page and the house is closer, we see a berry bush, hints of a mountain range and more critters. On the next page the vegetable garden pops out past all the rest of the pages as tomato plants, cucumbers, a snake and chipmunks look for scraps in the dirt.

By the second half of the book readers see more of the rocky terrain and less of the farm, but it’s all summer and true to the season. What’s great about the book is that the pop-up elements are thicker than you expect. It’s not cardboard stock, but it’s thicker than average paper that won’t rip easily. That’s an important thing to consider when buying an active use children’s book.

Summer is meant for children three and up. Those readers on the younger side of the scale won’t be kind to books, especially pop-up books. Parents: this book will last for a couple of years (with mild supervision from you…) so that young readers can look at the pictures and let their imaginations run wild as images of summer pop out.

Do you have Carter’s other seasonal pop-up books? If so then Summer is a must-own edition to round out the year. If not, this is a well made, creative way to engage young children, teach them a couple sight words and let them discover the love of reading.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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