FCBD, free comic book day, betty and veronica, betty and veronica at the movies, zero’s journey, all summer long, the city on the otherside, go go power rangers, all age comic books

All age comic books for May 2

It’s the week of Free Comic Book Day. The first Saturday of every may is Free Comic Book Day and your local comic book store has full size comic books that are free! Truth in advertising is not dead. Even better, many of these free comic books are OK for all ages. To look at all of the comic books that you can choose from just visit their website. Most comic book stores will allow you to take up to five comic books, so take accordingly, experiment a little bit and ask one of the store employees if you have a question. Because it’s a special day, most stores will be crowded in the morning, but they’ll also have lots of special happenings which could include comic book authors, artists, specials on books or more.

As it’s a special week, the new releases are lighter than normal, but there are still a couple of great all age comic books out this week, plus some that we didn’t highly last week that merit your attention. In the podcast we’ll chat about All Summer Long, The City on the Other Side, Zero’s Journey and a couple others. For now though, let’s look at three comics that will interest kids aged five and up.

Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince #4

Think Jem and the Holograms, but with less music, but with more science-fiction and action. Zodiac Starforce is a blast of bright colors, team work action and loose fun that will appeal to girls more than boys. The U.S. Zodiac Starforce team has to team up with the U.K. Zodiac team to take down the demon Pavos. Can the two teams put the soccer/football and lift/elevator problems in the past and save the day?

Go Go Power Rangers #8

You may not be reading this comic book because you’re tied up, we get it. Consider this your chance to get in on the ground floor of a cool summer story in Go Go Power Rangers. This is the prelude to Shattered Grid, a story that’s taking place in the monthly Power Rangers, as well as Go Go Power Rangers. The first chapter in the Power Rangers comic book has sold out four times, this issue from Go Go Power Rangers is in its second printing. This is setting the ground for a great story so jump on in before it really starts to get good.

Betty and Veronica Friends Forever #1 At The Movies #1

There are 299 reasons to love Betty and Veronica Friends Forever At The Movies #1. Those first 299 reasons are the price, if you pay in pennies. Even if you pay in paper money or charge it this is still a great all age comic book for kids, mainly girls, aged 6 and up. This is classic Betty and Veronica, drawn in the style that parents will recall from back in the day. In this new series our two favorite girls from Riverdale either go to the movie or have stories about them in famous movies. Either way, this is a great price point and a classic title for young readers to get the book bug by.

FCBD, free comic book day, betty and veronica, betty and veronica at the movies, zero’s journey, all summer long, the city on the otherside, go go power rangers, all age comic books





All age comic books for May 2

Published by

Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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