Marvel, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy dot to dot, rocket, groot, Thomas pavitte, Marvel heroes,

Guardians of the Galaxy 1000 Dot-to-Dot adds up to fun for 7 and up

Our seven year old doesn’t know who Thanos is. Truth be told, I don’t know the complete mythos of Thanos either, other than the fact that he’s the top of the food chain in villains for Marvel Comics. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was a great movie. The monthly comic book is one of the most consistently entertaining comics for us and now Guardians of the Galaxy 1000 Dot-to-Dot Book by Thunder Bay Press continues in their line of challenging, yet achievable mind puzzles.

Marvel, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy dot to dot, rocket, groot, Thomas pavitte, Marvel heroes,

If you’ve never done a 1000 number or greater dot-to-dot puzzle then the surprising fact is that they are incredibly relaxing. Unless you’ve got the vision of a pilot you will need a magnifying glass. We’ve done similar puzzles from Thunder Bay Press to Marvel Heroes, as well as, Spider-Man, both of which were also very detailed. The adult coloring book sensation is one that never resonated with me. I tried them, but I never found them enjoyable or relaxing.

Marvel, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy dot to dot, rocket, groot, Thomas pavitte, Marvel heroes,

That’s the thing that these larger dot-to-dot books accomplish; they’re just numbers, so you know how they should be done in a certain order. Each puzzle can be done, but when you don’t look at them close up it looks like a mish mash of dots that require advanced skill or art abilities to do.

Our almost eight year old loves these books and can do them quite well. He does need help identifying some of the characters and that’s where I come in. That’s Adam Warlock. His character was teased in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and he’ll probably be one of the main focal points in the third film. That’s Mantis, she’s an empath who looks like a Martian. When I started to tell them about Rocket & Groot he stopped me. I know who they are dad, he said.

Marvel, guardians of the galaxy, guardians of the galaxy dot to dot, rocket, groot, Thomas pavitte, Marvel heroes,

The finished illustrations in the book are good enough to color and put on your wall. They’re constructed by Thomas Pavitte and are exceedingly clever. His biography near the back of the book is an added tongue-in-cheek detail as it’s done via dot to dots. If you’re a fan and really want the book to be a surprise then don’t look at very back of the book as it shows what each page looks like once it’s completed. Bonus: for those so inclined, each page is perforated so that you can cleanly rip it out of the book. The book comes with 20 puzzles and each one takes our 7 year old about an hour to finish. Coincidentally, it takes me the same amount of time, but my lines are cleaner and straighter.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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