The Prisoner of Shiverstone is an all-age graphic novel that’s familiar, but utterly original for ages 10 and up.

The Prisoner of Shiverstone, old/new and completely awesome

There is something familiar about The Prisoner of Shiverstone. It has a character or two that will remind you of others that you’ve read, or possibly some of the more creative movies that you’ve seen. Yes, Shiverstone seems like something that you know. However, when all of the elements come into play it forms a unique, weird, creative gem of an mglit graphic novel that dances with different genres and one in which future entries would be welcome.

The Prisoner of Shiverstone is an all-age graphic novel that’s familiar, but utterly original for ages 10 and up.

For middle school readers, one of the main elements of The Prisoner of Shiverstone that will attract them is the artwork. The story and art is by Linette Moore and the illustrations embrace her background as a painter in a medium that benefits from a style that’s more typically used in bigger form works. In some of the panels, there’s a very thin white space that separates that panel’s main character, from the background.

Initially, those readers might let their mind’s eye go through the creative process that Moore went through as she painted the background; leaving just enough space where she’d pencil or paint the characters or action in later. Truth be told, I don’t know how the graphic novel was created, and that’s a portion of the fun that we had in reading it.

The Prisoner of Shiverstone is an all-age graphic novel that’s familiar, but utterly original for ages 10 and up.

A portion, because the plot is unexpected, weird, lovable, and one that grades five and up will embrace. Those ages want something familiar, but it also gets points if it’s odd and slightly left of center. In The Prisoner of Siverstone readers will get flying robot butlers, robot spiders, mad scientists, a disembodied voice that communicates through an old school radio, and a big red crystal that just might contain the key to solving every mystery on the island. But wait, there’s more, it’s also about confronting your fears, and doing what’s right. Now, do not roll your eyes at me, because this graphic novel accomplishes this in a very soft sell manner that makes you root for the characters, as opposed to a more sardonic opinion of their actions.

If you’re under a certain age and read that it reminds your parents of a classic cartoon strip, don’t be alarmed. The Prisoner of Shiverstone has elements of that, but this is 100% a creative, modern, head-turner of a graphic novel. The cover of The Prisoner of Shiverstone has our titular character, Helga, running through a museum, looking over her shoulder. The art is sharp and reminiscent of classic cartoon strips.

The Prisoner of Shiverstone is an all-age graphic novel that’s familiar, but utterly original for ages 10 and up.

It starts with eleven-year-old Helga being found unconscious in a boat near a mysterious island called Utley. The island turns out to be a prison where the aforementioned robots, guards, and mysterious people rear their heads. Older readers will appreciate the twists and intelligence that the graphic novel affords its audiences. Those younger readers will like the fact that there are many panels that are 100% illustrate and that it’s mysterious and funny, without talking down to them. In essence, it’s a great all-age graphic novel that kids aged 10 and up will love and completely lose themselves in. They’ll read it in one sitting, and then re-read it to marvel at the art, daydream about the story, and wonder about what adventures Helga will be on next.

The Prisoner of Shiverstone is author/illustrator Linette Moore and available on Amulet Books, an imprint of Abrams Books.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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