Want to make a switch toward more organic living, but not interested in going totally green? I get that! I was in the same position, so I came up with ideas to help me live more sustainably in manageable ways.
Cut Down On Your Waste
While we’d all love to have solar panels on our home and live without an electric bill, it just isn’t feasible. There are smaller changes that you can make in your life that will help cut down on the fossil fuels that your family creates. A big way to help the environment is to cut down on your waste. Stop using plastic grocery bags, and definitely quit throwing them in the trash. Make a conscious effort to recycle. Find ways to use your leftovers versus simply throwing them away. Consider starting your own compost pile! It may even motivate you to start the garden you’ve been dreaming of having.

Support Sustainable Companies
Once you’ve started making these changes within your family you’ll be ready to make changes on a corporate level! Do your research on the companies that you plan on buying from. For a business to be sustainable they need to be providing their goods or services without negatively impacting the environment, community, or society as a whole. Outside of the excessive amounts of greenhouse gases that are produced by transportation, that industry is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. As consumers, we have an opportunity to push companies to make changes. We have to show our support for sustainable companies and stop buying from ones that are only focused on making a buck without thinking about the harm they’re causing.
Criterion Technology

Criterion Technology, Inc is an amazing company that wants its impact on the community to extend beyond their top-notch products. They’re bringing a whole new meaning to being a sustainable company. Their mission is to be the standard by which others are measured. That’s an A+ from me. They stay up to date on their research to make sure that their products, like their injection molding in the USA, are always the leading standard. How many companies do you know that can say that from their plastics to corrugated paper to chemical waste disposal, they are meeting and exceeding all federal and state laws in an effort to protect and preserve the world’s valuable resources.
Their efforts to be a sustainable company extend beyond what they’re doing for the environment. They truly invest in people- the ones who work for them, buy from them, and that live in the community! They participate in civic programs such as Smoke on the Water, a festival supporting local volunteer fire departments, and the Harbor House, a temporary home for children from dangerous environments. Their love for giving back to the community is also supported by the employees who passionately support the Empty Stocking Fund toy and food drive for underprivileged children.
See, you can make a switch towards living more green without going crazy! Your efforts in reducing greenhouse gases can truly create a ripple effect up the industry chain. Stand in support of companies that work hard to lower their emissions and you’ll see that others will follow suit.