Revver the Speedway Squirrel is a great emerging reader book with six-page chapters, some pictures and lots of laughs.

Revver, The Speedway Squirrel is a great mid-elementary read

Getting an elementary-aged or early middle-grade child to want to read can be tricky. We all know that they need to read. We also know that later elementary ages and up, are most likely at a point where they’re reading to learn, instead of learning to read. If those students are in the former category but should be in the latter, then their schooling will be much harder than it needs to be. Our youngest child could be in that category, so we’re full-on trying to find books that speak to mid/upper-elementary readers. For some kids, Revver, The Speedway Squirrel is that fast racing vehicle that combines chapter book sensibilities, with the fun, goofy, surreal laughs that some kids want to read.

First off, Revver, the titular character from the book really is a squirrel. In your internal monologue, you might think that he’s not, or that the speedway in question doesn’t involve real cars. The two do not go hand-in-hand, as cars are more often thought of as the all too mortal enemy of squirrels. That fact is acknowledged by Revver, his family, and friends who warn him about his interest in automobiles.

Specifically, Revver is attracted to the race track that he can see from his tree. It’s in a forest that surrounds the race track and everything about that mysterious circle fascinates him. The smell of the cars, the way that they sound like a swarm of bees and the throngs of people all only serve to make him more fascinated by the thing that he knows he should avoid.

As any young person who is curious about something does, Revver doesn’t listen to his inner common sense and makes his way towards the track. There isn’t a race going on, so there shouldn’t be anything too dangerous for a squirrel. Alas, when you’re a squirrel and everything else is 20 times as large as you even the more innocuous objects will appear to be monsters.

So, when Revver gets spooked by something on the track and seeks shelter in a race car, it’s not entirely surprising when he has to take a nap. However, what goes to sleep, has to wake up and he does so in the middle of when the car is racing around the track. Revver freaks out, the driver isn’t sure what they think and the bulk of his adventures begin.

From there, Revver continues to be a squirrel, however, he’s a squirrel that loves race cars. Because of that, he’s not scared of the sounds or the chaos that surround a pit crew, but he’s unable to verbally communicate with anyone. This is where reads will need to take a leap of faith with Revver The Speedway Squirrel and simply enjoy the ride.

Don’t think about a squirrel behaving like a domesticated animal. A person, a squirrel, and a pit crew for a race team can coexist. Now, it’s not like they’re going to take a cruise together or anything, but they do get each other’s point across.

Revver The Speedway Squirrel is a gentle, warm book that will bring some young readers to fits of laughter while easing others along with a constant sense of happiness. The chapters are also a great length for readers like my son. Most chapters are six pages are less and some are accompanied with art by Alex Willan.

Our nine-year-old started reading the book tonight. He read it with mom’s assistance, while she looked over his shoulder, just in case he needed help with a word or two. I was in the other room and heard him read the vast majority of the book by himself, laughing multiple times with two nice belly laughs, so the book is doing something right.

Revver The Speedway Squirrel is by Sherri Duskey Rinker with illustrations by Alex Willan and on Bloomsbury USA.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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