This week in all age comic books is nothing to laugh at. Really, there aren’t any comic books that you could categorize as humor. In its place are some of the staple all age comic books, plus an under-the-radar gem that’s great for those middle-school readers.
It’s a great week for web crawlers as The Amazing Spider-Man #54 and Marvel Action Spider-Man: Shock to the System are released. That first title is great for upper-elementary school and older, while that second one is great for middle-elementary school through high school. Upper elementary readers will also enjoy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #112. We looked at this title for the first time in a while and it’s a series that kids will enjoy and parents will approve of. There might be a couple of very mild words in the comic book, but you’re kids have heard and probably said them before if they’re 10 or older.
Lastly, are you 10 or older and looking for a very cool comic book that you’re friends might not be reading? If that is you then Usagi Yojimbo #15 is your jam. It’s about a ronin rabbit who goes about doing good deeds and sometimes getting into trouble. This is one of those all age comic books that has enough story to accompany the art. The violence, mostly implied, might be too much for those young elementary readers, but ages 9 and up who are looking for something fresh need to check this out.
Now, on with all of the all age comic books this week.

The Amazing Spider-Man #54, UE, M, H Marvel Action Spider-Man Shock to the System TPB, UE, M, Mighty Morphin #2, M, H Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #112, UE, M, H
Goosebumps Secret of the Swamp #3 of 5, UE, M, Sonic the Hedgehog TPB Volume 7 All or Nothing, E, M Usagi Yojimbo #15, UE, M, H