Certain books know their core audience and dedicate itself to entertaining them. Granted some siblings or those readers who might be older or younger could stumble on the book, but they’ll be the outliers. Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge is one of those books. If you’re a girl reader who is between eight and twelve then this is your jam. Its compact size, pop culture sensibilities, fast-paced story and age appropriate art make this a go-to book for girls who want in on the graphic novel action.

My friends who have daughters often ask me which comic books are great for girls. That’s a different conversation and can vary week to week. However, an answer that I’ll always push them in the direction of, is to look for a graphic novel that speaks to that demographic and Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge is a great place to start.
DC Comics has been doing a great job lately of producing original graphic novels whose audience are those readers eight years old and up. These books have done a great job getting placed at Barnes & Noble, as well as general retail stores like Target and Wal-Mart. The biggest benefit of DC Graphic Novels for Kids being in these larger stores is that it exponentially increases the amount of people who can see them. Sure, you or I might see them in our local comic book store, but the greater population who never step foot in such a wondrous place, might not have known that they exist.
Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge introduces us to a world where Lois is not the one who has it all together. She’s a 13-year-old girl who sometimes hangs out with her sister. Lois is trying to do the typical things a girl that age would do. She also has a lot to learn and there are seemingly unsolved things around every corner. It’s an age where molehills can become mountains and the contests that those upper-middle school people think are the most important things in the world, don’t measure up to the real things happening around us.
It’s also about learning to be a good friend and displaying the characteristics that will allow other people to realize that they can be your friend. The inherit lesson is one that anybody can learn, appreciate and hear multiple times. Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge is a contemporary graphic novel that those middle elementary aged readers through mid-middle school will like reading. It’s fun and has enough mystery and small town action to keep those readers engaged.
Grace Ellis handles the story in the book. Readers might know her story work from Lumberjanes. If not, there’s a comic book or trade paperback that is a fabulous read for those in middles school. The art is by Brittney Williams and has comic book sensibilities with just enough manga fingerprints to make the book stand out as something different.
Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge is by Grace Ellis with illustrations by Brittney Williams and is a DC Graphic Novel for Kids.
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