ABC for Me: ABC What Can I Be?, big, smart alphabet 411

ABC for Me: ABC What Can I Be? is the sort of book that kids and adults reading to three to six-year-old small people will cherish for a period of time. This is when kids are learning about jobs, where mom or dad go when they earn money, and what it is exactly that people call them there. It’s also an oversized-ABC book that’s printed on thicker than average cardboard paper. This isn’t board book thickness, but ABC What Can I Be? isn’t aimed at those crawlers. Instead, it’s a bright, happy, intelligent book that’s geared towards emerging readers who know some of the alphabet, but also want to have fun learning more.

ABC for Me: ABC What Can I Be? is a smart board book that digs deeper into what people can be with bright illustrations and simple sentences for 3-6.

It’s an intelligent book for those who two, three, four, five, or six to learn the alphabet or a wide sampling of jobs or people that make things go round. That is a wide, far-reaching statement and you’re just looking for an ABC book, don’t worry, this is still for you. The jobs and people that are referenced in the book color the rainbow and explore all sorts of income levels.

G is for game developer. L is for landscape developer. P is for paleontologist. Q is for quantitative analyst. U is for UX (user experience) designer and more. Each letter is complimented by a simple sentence from the person’s perspective stating what exactly it is that they do. In the case of the robotics engineer and many other jobs, those sentences could come in handy whilst explaining to your reader what it is they do.

As they thumb through the book, the illustrations will hold their attention and more. They’re bright, fill the entire page with color, and provide a nice, simple vision of what each person does.  It’s also a great, good-night book that has details on each page that allow for independent reading or simply looking at the picture. ABC What Can I Be? is short enough to read once with a bit of drama and questions, as well as enjoyable enough to read twice during a sitting without the audience getting tired. It’s a well-constructed book that has a durable spine that’ll last a long time.

ABC For Me: ABC What Can I Be? is the third in this series of books by Jessie Ford at Sugar Snap Studios and is published by The Quarto Group.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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