It’s new comic book day again and this week is settling into a nice groove. There’s a great variety of all age comic books and new graphic novels that will entertain readers in upper elementary school. First up, we missed highlighting Peanuts The Gang’s All Here when it was released a couple weeks ago. The virus and its effects on publishing are still reverberating. Because of that some releases were delayed, while others are sliding under the radar. These Peanuts books from Andrews McMeel are awesome. They’re new strips that seamlessly inhabit the soul and spirit of the classic characters. If your kids love Peanuts and are tired of looking through your collection, then check out The Gang’s All Here so that they can have new stories of their own.
In all age comic books there are two of the go-to releases for any reader who is six or older and in elementary school. Sonic The Hedgehog #30 is on IDW Publishing and is full of action and humor that these ages want. This comic is always a hit with elementary school libraries and will probably take off more with individual readers now that the movie was such a hit. Scooby Doo Where Are You #105 is from DC Comics and is consistently awesome. The movie, on the other hand, was forced and had grander visions of a shared Hanna-Barbera Universe. Its focus on that angle let to a jokeless affair that made audiences yearn for a box of Scooby snacks.
Other notable all age comic books or graphic novels this week include a couple cool Transformers comic books for middle school, a Haunted Mansion graphic novel for upper elementary and up plus, Spider-Woman and a vintage Spider-Man re-release. The entire list is just below the graphic.

Act graphic novel, M

Peanuts, The Gang’s All Here, E, M, H

Amazing Spider-Man, UE, M, H Go Go Power Rangers TPB, Vol. 7, UE, M, H Power Rangers Drakkon New Dawn, UE, M, H Spider-Man Spider-Verse graphic novel, Spider-Ham, UE, M, H Spider-Woman, #3, M, H
Haunted Mansion graphic novel, UE, M Jim Henson Dark Crystal Age Resistance, UE, M, H Over the Garden Wall Soulful Symphonies, TPB, Transformers Terminator #3 of 4, M, H Transformers 84 Secrets & Lies #2 of 4, M, H