Our eight year-old is what I envision me when I was that age. It’s not destructive or malicious, but impossibly active. I always wanted to be doing something, anything and if it engaged my hands, as well as my brain then the activity would’ve been a win/win for my parents. Alas, back in the “vintage 80’s” as my children call it, there were no Paint By Sticker books. That’s right kids, it was the dark ages of children’s interactive books and we had to walk to school uphill both ways. However, now, for kids aged six and up they can entertain themselves for hours with Paint By Stickers Kids Dinosaurs.

Paint By Sticker is one of the hallmark line of books within Workman Publishing. There are other “sticker activity” books that you’ll see at craft stores or in the bargain bin at big book stores. The difference between those books and Paint By Stickers Kids is night and day. Those books have stickers that are more challenging to peel off of the pages, aren’t as simple to put into the template and aren’t as kid friendly. The images are OK for young crafters, but the picture paintings in Paint By Sticker Kids are more rounded and immediately attractive to kids.

This is one of those products that you want to purchase the name brand. It joins the club of razors and batteries for us as the products that suffer a massive decrease in quality, functionality and enjoyment if the initial brand in it is not purchased.

Adults will appreciate that these are crafts that children can 100% do on their own. Our 8 year-old busy kid can do them on his own and loves them. His 10 year-old brother prefers the slightly more challenging creations in the Paint By Sticker books. Those pictures might have hundreds of stickers that could be minute, whereas Paint By Sticker Kids Dinosaurs has up to 75 stickers that are larger and more forgiving to put into place.

The artistic nature of the books is one that our younger son likes also. He’s an ADHD perfectionist kid where everything has to be perfect or he’ll melt down. The nature of these paint by sticker books is that there will be some degree of while space in the area where the sticker goes and that is OK. All the more, it’s expected and normal for the finished works not to appear perfect. Nothing is perfect and the fact that he’s learning this now is a lesson that we encourage through various means.
Dinosaurs is a Paint By Sticker book that will be appealing to boys or girls aged six and up. And because there’s an older version of the books it gives them something older and cooler to strive for when they can handle it. We can see the look in the younger child’s eyes when his older brother zips through the adult books. Plus at $9.95 retails these books are a slam dunk when it comes to the bang for the buck meter. Each book has ten sticker pictures and will engage your kids for hours, if it’s Paint By Sticker Dinosaur, Halloween, Zoo Animals, Unicorns & Magic or any of the others.
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