Your Nose! is a Sandra Boynton board book dedicated to the slightly chilly cartilage on animals that we all love to gently rub.

Your Nose! is classic Boynton whimsy and joy

Sandra Boynton is the queen of board books. We’ve still got the board books that our now 10 year-old read when he was crawling across the floor. He’s sitting here beside me as I write this and commented that he remembered her books. Not to fact check him, but I went through the books that she’s written and illustrated and sure enough, the ones that I know are upstairs (in the secret box of baby stuff) were the ones that said he remembered. While it’s certainly possible to have all of her books, we only have eight of them, with many of their corners chewed, just a little bit. Your Nose! Is somewhere north of release number 75 for Boynton and continues the timeless quality and charm as her classics.

Parents who don’t like her song books will especially enjoy Your Nose! It bills itself as a wile little love song, but there aren’t music notes in the book. Neil Sedaka did sing a very catchy song that has the book’s text as its lyrics, but the book itself is not a song. However, after you hear Mr. Sedaka sing it you just might turn it into one.

We’re in the camp of liking all of Boynton’s books, but really like the ones that are just prose. Call it our lack of musical ability or too many tone deaf karaoke nights out, but singing to our kids was never our jam.

If a baby is about to enter your life and Sandra Boynton is Greek to you here’s a great way to explain it. A baby who doesn’t grow up with a Boynton book is like a classic rock radio station not playing Fleetwood Mac at least once a day. It’s like a Pine tree not being in a forest, ants not being at a picnic or spiky hair not being in The Simpsons.  

Her books are an institution. Their brightly colored pages, large happy font and square pages bring back memories the moment you pick one up. The characters are also classics; with each one gravitating towards someone in the house. My wife always liked the pigs the most. I was always partial to the ducks and the rabbits.

In Your Nose! the foxes take center stage; however, most of Boynton’s happy creatures make an appearance. This book is as at home in the bedroom of a three year-old as it is in an otolaryngologist’s office. It’s the best kind of happiness in a board book that is akin to welcoming a friend back into your house. They might look a bit different, but it’s still the same person that helped shape your children into the readers that they are today.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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