MacKids Streaming Schoolhouse happens April 27-30 online, it’s free, features best-selling authors and is a great way to supplement us parent/teachers.

MacKids Streaming Schoolhouse, April 27-30 at 1ET with best-selling authors

Suddenly everyone’s a school teacher, and I mean that in the highest form of a compliment. With most school age children at home doing virtual learning to some degree; it’s a great time for some complementary classroom instructors. Macmillan Publishers, home to some of our favorite children’s authors is having MacKids Streaming Schoolhouse from April 27-30 at 1:00 PM ET. The lessons will include art, science, social studies, language arts and your instructors will be best-selling authors.  

Think of this as one of those Masterclass commercials you’ve seen, but in this case they’ve being conducted by children’s authors. This event is free, but you do have to register. As a parent who has been teaching our kids for the past month this is a great break in what’s being assigned to us from their local schools. As a bonus, your instructors will be taking questions, which can be submitted in advance.

As an even added bonus, when you submit a question you’ll be entered to win a stack of books.  These are the latest books from the folks who’ll be teaching you about the subjects. Nick Bruel and John Patrick Green will be teaching you about art on Monday. Angela Dominguez and Maris Wicks will teach you about science on Tuesday. Deborah Heligman and Karen Blumenthal will be your instructors for social studies on Wednesday. Remy Lai and Christian McKay Heidicker will teach you about language arts on Thursday.  

For us each day has its high points. We look forward to reading Torpedoed by Heligman. Heidicker wrote one of our favorite books from 2019, Scary Stories for Young Foxes and his new book, Thieves of Weirdwood looks amazing. Our son’s current favorite book is Investigators by John Patrick Green. That book is utterly hilarious for ages 6 and up. He’s speaking on Monday with the creator of Bad Kitty, Nick Bruel.  

There really is something for any parent who has a child in middle elementary school through middle school. You do need to RSVP, so do that as quickly as possible. This is a fun, out of the box way for us new parent/teachers to augment lessons in a way that’s educational and fun.  

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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