In times of stress comfort viewing is what lots of people seek. I know that our family has been watching those classic 80s through mid-90s cinematic nuggets. On Friday night, April 10 at 8:00 PM ET you’ve got the chance to watch Hook while Nerdist and Rufio from the film (actor Dante Basco) chime in on real-time via twitter.

This is a film that our two boys, aged 8 and 10 haven’t seen yet. They know the story of Peter Pan. They’ve seen one Robin Williams movie and the combination should be a hoot for them. Hook is rated PG. Unlike some of the other classic films we’ve seen as a family recently Hook’s rating is due to mild action and a couple uses of very mild profanity. For us as a family, it’s become typical to say “don’t talk like that” after watching almost every film from that time period. There were no cell phones back then, but the language certainly was a bit saltier.

Hook is available on digital to own so that you can watch and re-watch it until you catch every Spielberg-esque shot. From the stark lighting to the near perfect pairing of John Williams and his music this is one of the few films that will play better today than it did in 1991.
After you get the film just follow along on twitter on April 9, starting at 8PM ET using #NerdistFromHome, #Hook and replying to @Nerdist, @DanteBasco (Rufio), @SonyPictures. This way you can communicate with one of the largest fan sites online, the actor who played Rufio and one of the largest movie studios on the planet in one tweet.
We’ll be there tweeting our favorite scenes also. Our wife is a HUGE fan of this film and she flipped her lid when she found out about it. So expect aspects of her personality in our tweets also.
We received a code for the film for our enjoyment.