Hundred Feet Tall is an illustrated book about growing, hoping, friends and being patient-as told by our bunny main character.

Hundred Feet Tall, an illustrated book quick to grow on you

We are a sucker for pizza and children’s illustrated books with rabbits as the main character. I just realized the rabbit thing a moment ago while I was re-reading Hundred Feet Tall by Benjamin Scheuer with illustrations by Jemima Williams. Our main character is an un-named anthropomorphic rabbit who is in the country with his parents. He sees an acorn on the ground in early winter and promptly takes it with them as the three of them pile into their red car with a BU-NNY license plate.

As the bunny gets back to life in the city he watches the seed that’s been carefully planted in a glass jar. Bunny knows that the seed is small now, but with love and light it’ll keep getting bigger. In the book there are occasional rhyming lines that help move the story along. There are some repeating elements in the book. It’s not a fairy tale, but the quick repetition will help those younger readers go from page to page, in addition to practicing their sight words.

As the seed starts to shoot past its glass jar Bunny’s family gets bigger too. Next thing we know the roots are crowding the dirt in the jar and he’s telling the story to his younger sibling. With that, it’s time to put the tree in the ground, where its roots can be given the space and time that they need in order to grow a hundred feet tall.

There are lots of other animals in Hundred Feet Tall that ages 3-7 will love looking at. All of the animals are happy, curious and eager to support their rabbit friend. The art in the book is soft and allows young imaginations to fill in some of the blanks. 

Happy, curious, hopeful, family centered and colorful are great adjectives to have describing children’s book. Hundred Feet Tall is one of those illustrated books that kids will love to read due to its bright colors, approachable text, independence and overall sense of happiness. Aside from the country, whenever Bunny is doing something he’s doing it by himself. He’s just hanging out with his friends planting trees and being independent. This is a super cute book that will be a kid’s best friend for a period of time when they’re dreaming about getting bigger.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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