Frozen makes me sick. Literally, in 2013 when I was supposed to go see Frozen I got sick. On the way to see Frozen II I had to pull the car over and have my wife drive the kids to the movie theater while I went home and got sick. The other week our eldest came into the office and asked me, “Is Frozen II a girl’s movie?” I told him no, there might be things in that film, as well as, the first one that appeals more to girls, but it’s not a girl’s movie. He went back and forth about wanting to see it until everyone was fully jazzed to see it, but the Frozen curse struck me down.

The next morning the Frozen II curse had lifted, so I got out of bed and asked the boys if they like the movie.
“Yes”, they both replied.
It was obvious that they were talkative.
To be fair to them, they’re 8 and 10 and voicing their opinion about something other than fart jokes isn’t their strong suit. Because I knew this, I was prepared to bait the hook to evoke specifics as to how elementary-aged audiences would enjoy Frozen II.
The younger one paced the room like he was a grizzled homicide detective. “Well, it was really great. My favorite part of the film was the spirits in the forest”, he said. I was kind of surprised that he didn’t follow it up ‘You dirty rat’ or intersperse ‘ya see’ in his sentences just for added intimidation.
The older one was next. He said that he liked the action, the stone giants, the bad guys (in the film, as well as the excellent book) and the singing. “You liked the singing?” I asked. “Yeah, it was OK”, he said. I’ll be honest, the fact that he liked the singing kind of surprised me.
As he was slightly chattier than his younger brother I asked him, “Is Frozen II just for girls?” He said no, but they’ll definitely like the film more. “There are lots of princesses and only a couple who aren’t, so boys will like it, just not as much as girls”, he continued.

Sensing that I was onto a key Frozen II demographic I asked him if any of the kids on the playground were talking about this and he shockingly said no. However, I asked his younger brother and apparently Frozen II is all the rage among 8 year-old kids.
My wife also said that the animation was beautiful and that Frozen II had plenty of moments that older fans will enjoy. She’s not really a person that enjoys animated movies, so that’s high praise.