Bad Kitty Does Not Like Thanksgiving is a picture and sticker book aimed at those emerging readers aged three and up.

Bad Kitty Does Not Like Thanksgiving, but kids 3 and up will

Our eight year-old is in a Bad Kitty state of mind. He’s a reluctant reader who reads a couple levels below where he should. Bad Kitty is one of two things that I can count on him to read right now. Bad Kitty Does Not Like Thanksgiving has the character that he loves with its telltale grumpiness. If he were two years younger this would be the pumpkin butter jam to his turkey.

Oh, he’s still completely in love with the humor. Bad Kitty Does Not Like Thanksgiving takes your favorite grumpy cat and puts it in a shorter, early-reader book with stickers. This book is about 25 pages and price appropriately at $5.99.

The text in the book is much simpler than the other Bad Kitty books that your child might have read. The longest page in this book has four sentences, but most of the pages have two sentences with a couple of repeating words.

It’s a book that our eight year-old could read easily. Bad Kitty Does Not Like Thanksgiving is more of an introductory to the black cat with the white star on his chest to those children who are four and up. That age will be able to discover and learn sight words, laugh at the pratfalls and have more fun with the book then their older sibling.

The book has all of the personality of a Bad Kitty book, just in a smaller, younger and more approachable package. This is a good thing because by the time next Thanksgiving rolls around they’ll be reading the bigger, thicker Bad Kitty books that the big kids in elementary school are reading.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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