The day we received The World’s Best Jokes for Kids in the mail our 9 year-old wasn’t expecting much. Part of that was due to the fact that he, his younger brother and I were about to embark on an afternoon full of errands. For the next two hours, every time we got back in the car from the store he was regaling us with jokes from the book. When we got home he continued to read from the book until mom got home, then he reread his favorite jokes. Then mom was so tickled with laughter over how much he was enjoying it that we got his grandfather on the phone.

The World’s Best Jokes for Kids, Volume 1 and 2 by Swerling & Lazar are out and it’s the stuff of elementary school legend. If you’ve eaten lunch at an elementary school lately you’ll notice that many of the kids will try to throw you a joke curve ball. It’s a clever pun or simple joke that, if it were said by a dad it would be a dad joke and gotten eggs or rolling eyes directed at me. However, since they’re said by a kid who is under 10, it’s cute and down-right laugh out loudable.
This book has hundreds of those jokes, most of which I had never heard before.
For example: Why can you never trust atoms?
Because they make up everything.
Each joke is accompanied by an illustration that helps drive the joke home. That atom joke has a grinning atom with molecules rotating around it. Granted our 7 year-old would not get that joke. However, his older brother got it and was howling with laughter. We were grinning too.
Many of the jokes have that same borderline highbrow appeal to them. They’re puns that are smarter than what you see on a milk carton and this book will provide hours, upon hours of entertainment. For parents it’s also a great value because each book is only $6.99. The text is such that those in second grade and higher will be able to read them by themselves. This is fun stuff that will entertain kids on a rainy day, lazy summer afternoon or running errands around town.