Sometimes I squeal when books arrive. I let out a small one when Crafty Llama arrived at the office. This is not a book that was on my radar. I knew nothing about it. Yet, when I saw the cover something about this children’s illustrated book seemed so warm and comforting it simply felt like something we already knew. And, to be clear, I don’t mean that in the sense of old and repetitious. This was more of a comfort food feeling, for example, a food that I eat when I need solace, like clam chowder on a cold winter day….in case you’re in the area.
Crafty Llama is by Mike Kerr with illustrations by Renata Liwska. Its subtitle is, A story about crafting, friendship and the very best gifts. The book starts with Llama walking home on a warm summer day. When she gets home she knows that there are legitimate things that need to be done around the house like laundry, vacuuming the fireplace, putting WD-40 on the doors or straightening up the garage. She knows those things need to be done, but she spies a massive ball of yarn, conveniently the same color as her…, so she starts sewing something. When Llama is not sure what to do she sews so that she can clear her mind.
Before long some of her forest friends show up. They each bring their unique set of skills to help her. The turtle, elephant, wolf and more all show up to add elements to whatever she’s sewing. Some animals provide ideas on what she can craft. Everyone helps except for beaver, who’s not sure how he can help so he chews on a tree so that he can clear his mind.
It’s a social afternoon with all of the animal friends sharing, being silly and having fun. By the time night rolls around Llama has knitted a very nice blanket, which she promptly shares with one of her buck-toothed sleeping friends.
Crafty Llama is a slice of illustrated book heaven for crafty kids 4-8. The illustrations are soft, warm and will delight (and calm…) young readers as they drift off to sleep land. This is a great good-night book for those younger kids in this spectrum. It’s short enough to re-read more than one time a night, but also long enough to qualify as the “one book” that you’re reading after a long day.