Happy new comic book day! What are the all age comic books that you’re reading this week? If you share any of those picture on social media please tag them with #DaddyMojo or #AllAgeComicBooks so we can see what you’re reading and follow along. Over in the podcast (for real!) we’ll chat about Ben 10, Nancy Drew and more. For now, let’s look at three comic books that will rock readers as young at 7.
Big Nate, Payback Time!
Big Nate is timeless. I laugh out loud at most strips from this character who was created by Lincoln Peirce. Nate’s world is timeless and will remind older readers of what it was like to be a kid. It will also remind younger readers of how funny being in 5th grade can be, even when it seems like the world is colluding against you. Our now 9 year old didn’t ‘get’ Big Nate until this year, now he can understand the situations that he encounters, laughs (loudly) at them and looks forward to the next compilation in the series. Big Nate, Payback Time! is hilarious and at only $7.40 it’s an incredible bargain.
Marvel Action: Avengers
IDW Publishing and Marvel Comics have teamed up for one of the best all age comic books you’ll find. Thankfully, they’ve made a series of different comic books to suit your super hero taste. There’s a Black Panther, Spider-Man and Avengers series for your taste. This week has Marvel Action: Avengers coming out, it’s #3 in this monthly series and ages 7 and up, who like super hero action will love it. Moreover, it’s not watered down action, rather, it’s the sweet spot of all age comic books where it’s appropriate for younger ages-but also interesting for older readers.
Lumberjanes #60
While we’re on the topic of must-see comic books….have you read an issue of Lumberjanes? Lumberjanes, from Boom! Studios is one of the consistently best comic books out there. It’s also great for ages 8 and up. Even those slightly younger will enjoy the art, it’s just that they won’t be able to read the words or relate to the situations. Lumberjanes is about friendship, summer camp, aliens, rock stars and being a kid. It’ll skew slightly more towards girls than boys, but not by much.