all age comic books, comic books, minions, viva la boss, comic book, betty & veronica, archie comics, jim Henson, beneath the dark crystal, star wars, star wars adventures, moon girl

All age comic books for December 19

So, you’re looking for some cool all age comic books to stuff the stocking with? There are a couple great ones this week, as well as a couple nice titles from previous weeks that’ll fill that big sock by the fireplace. Over in the podcast and on Youtube we’ll chat about Star Wars, a great DC/Hanna-Barbera team-up, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur and more. For now let’s look at three titles that will interest readers as young as 5.

all age comic books, comic books, minions, viva la boss, comic book, betty & veronica, archie comics, jim Henson, beneath the dark crystal, star wars, star wars adventures, moon girl


Minions, Viva La Boss, #2 is out and this mini-series will enchant readers as young as 5. That’s the age when one of our boys really started to like Minions. This comic book’s sweet spot is 8, simply due to its presentation and the fact that the art is not identical to how they look on screen. This is one of those great all age comic books that are great for boys or girls.

Betty & Veronica

Betty & Veronica, #1 of #5 is out from Archie Comics and hits the demographic of girls in middle school and up. This is not as moody or dark as the television show, nor is it as bubblegum poppy as the 60’s version of Archie. If anything it’s more cut from the cloth of the show, but it skews just a bit younger than that. Ages 10 and up should enjoy this mini-series that concentrates on Riverdale’s two leading ladies.

Jim Henson Beneath The Dark Crystal

We love The Dark Crystal and Jim Henson Beneath The Dark Crystal is a mini-series from Boom! Studios. Issue #5 of #12 is out and will be a great blast of Ember Queen fun and dealing with the Throne of Mithra. The art in this mini-series is beautiful and steps back into that world seamlessly. The art and story combine to make this a great comic book for middle school and up.

Comedy Superhero Action/Science-fiction GFF

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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