Ant- Man and the wasp, marvel, marvel movie, giveaway

Ant-Man and the Wasp review and giveaway

We were provided with the film for a review. Our 9 year-old had never seen a Marvel movie. I’ve been trying to drag him with me for a couple of years, but he was never game to see one until Ant-Man and the Wasp. When it came out in theaters he saw the trailer and was curious. He was even asking me questions after I saw it. Many of his friends at school saw the film when it was in theaters. He’s never been one for loud noises and if there’s one thing about Marvel movies, they aren’t subtle. They’ve big, rollicking spectacles with visuals to delight and explosions to compliment them. With Ant-Man and the Wasp out on Blu-ray DVD our 9 year-old has seen his first Marvel movie. He’s also bragged to his friends that he’s seen Ant-Man and the Wasp on DVD. At home.

Ant- Man and the wasp, marvel, marvel movie, giveaway

He’s quite pleased with himself. He proudly points out to his friends that the film is rated PG-13 and he’s seen it-at home. For some reason he throws that last bit in all the time also. Of course we’re watching a DVD at home I think to myself. Although, maybe he’s so prescient that he’s presuming his friends will think that we’re watching the film on a mobile device; which we could as it comes with a code to watch it on the Movies Anywhere app.

Ant-Man and the Wasp is a very good film. It’s also a good Marvel film. As a fan of both it’s important to make that distinction that film stands on its own, but also fits nicely into the Marvel cannon. For Marvel fans who are wondering how Ant-Man and the Wasp handles the whole “Thanos snaps” thing don’t worry. They handle it brilliantly.

Win a copy of Ant-Man and the Wasp on Blu-Ray DVD, plus digital code

The film is about a mysterious new force called Ghost who can move between objects. As a heel, Ghost’s powers match up well against Ant-Man and the Wasp. A hero that is able to grow incredibly large or shrink to the size of an ant, fighting a being that can pass through objects is a fun thing to watch. How do they even touch Ghost? Who are they and more are all revealed in a fun, well paced movie.

Our 7 year-old even got in on the movie party fun. Don’t tell his older brother, even though he was there too, as he’ll brag again about seeing a PG-13 movie. So, is Ant-Man and the Wasp OK for children? It’s certainly on the soft side of PG-13. There are no large scale deaths, there’s no gore and all of the violence has consequences. There were a couple words that didn’t need to be in there, but are most likely the reason for the film being rated what it is.

Older movie fans will remember that The Fantastic Four was once floated as the Marvel franchise that was for the kids. Kids need superheroes to watch that might not have the ‘real’ elements that other Marvel films have-and that is 100% OK. The problem with the former being the flagship softer Marvel franchise was that the films were not entertaining and the characters did not relate at all to younger viewers. A married couple of scientists, playboy and sarcastic muscle guy just do not resonate as well to younger viewers as a smarmy, likable hero who also happens to have a daughter.

Ant-Man and the Wasp is great fun. Ages 9 and up will enjoy it and be OK with the content. Whenever we heard the dicey words we said “that’s not appropriate”, under our breath. “I get it”, said a voice from the other sofa. With his younger brother sitting beside me we all watched the film and it was one that they’ll remember.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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