Whens my birthday, children’s book, Julie Fogliano, Christian robinson, birthday.

When’s My Birthday is one that kids will want read to them

How many sleeps till my birthday? We start to get those questions about three months before the youngest one’s actual day. It’s a cute and precious thing when a child establishes a timeline based on sleeps. When’s My Birthday? is a children’s book that is intended to be read to them-and read to them with you inner theater major leading the charge. The more enthusiasm the better. It’s written for kids. That may sound obvious given that it’s a children’s book. However from its mixed medium art to the fact that there are no capitol letters, it’s apparent that the book is entirely meant to be read to children. This is the kind of book that young children will want read to them over and over, but especially near their birthday.

Whens my birthday, children’s book, Julie Fogliano, Christian robinson, birthday.

When’s My Birthday is the kind of good-night book that parents will enjoy reading too. Each page is jammed with color from corner to corner. The illustrations by Christian Robinson have a classic appearance that resemble some of the old school books you’ll remember from when you were having books like this read to you. The book’s illustrations have just enough detail to lead kids into knowing what they’re showing, but are blocky or rounded that kids 6 and younger will love.

What the book accomplishes is the manic feeling of breathless anticipation that a kid has in the days leading up to their birthday. They flip flop on party themes, list out who they’d like to invite to their party, imagine the presents that they’ll get and much more. From a parent’s perspective, it’s arguably more entertaining to watch a child before their party-than on their big day. Sometimes on their birthday they’re too over the top and end up freaking out over the simplest reason.

Art from When's My Birthday by Julie Fogiano and Christian Robinson

I showed When’s My Birthday? to a grandmother friend of mine who has read her share of children’s books. She immediately loved the book because she felt that it spoke directly to children about their birthday party. She got the pacing of the book and pegged that it’s the kind of book that parent’s will enjoy reading because it amps up the fun and anticipation for a child’s birthday in ways that they’ll relate to.



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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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