Nalgene, water bottles, marvel collection, hulk, avengers, avenger water bottle, marvel stuff,

The Nalgene Marvel Collection makes drinking water super

“Mommy, now I have a water bottle just like you” is what our 7 year old said. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy because it was an identifying and bonding moment that those two shared. For us it was more about super hero street cred. His Nalgene Captain America bottle from the Marvel Collection can accommodate 32 ounces of water for those hikes, bike trips or simply playing in the back yard.

When I was a kid finding cool Marvel stuff was challenging. There was this one kid who always seemed to have cool Marvel clothing, but I suspect his parents were on the Comic Con curve before the rest of us. Uphill both ways, that’s the lesson for our children.

Nalgene, water bottles, marvel collection, hulk, avengers, avenger water bottle, marvel stuff,

Now cons are cool for kids and finding comic and Marvel stuff is much easier. The Marvel Collection from Nalgene has every super hero with Stan Lee roots that you’d want to represent.

I would say that our child wavers between the Avengers bottle and the Captain America bottle, but that wouldn’t be true. Most of the time I take the Avengers bottle when he’s at school and use it for myself.  Over the course of a couple of months he’s slowly accepted that the Avengers is my bottle and Captain belongs to him.

Nalgene, water bottles, marvel collection, hulk, avengers, avenger water bottle, marvel stuff,

According to my wife for the past several years, people (specifically me) need to drink 2 liters of water a day. Come to find out, it’s not just my wife that says that, doctors recommend it too. I used to drink water on a daily basis, but I had no idea how much water I was or wasn’t actually drinking. Now I’ve gotten in the habit of knowing that when I drink two re-fills of the Avengers my body is OK for the day.

Another interesting thing that I’ve noticed is that when I don’t drink enough water I can tell. My head will hurt, my patience is shorter and I don’t sleep as well. This probably is not due to some super powers that my Avengers bottle puts into my system. It’s just the power of water and drinking enough of it each day.

Our 5 year old gets in on the Marvel water action too with his 12 ounce Hulk bottle. It snaps shut and provides him enough water for the morning’s activities in a bottle that is unique to his inner circle and makes older kids think he’s cool. The Nalgene Marvel Collection has skinny bottles that will fit all the way in your car cup holder and even the 32 ounce bottles fit in the car holders just enough to secure them. Parents can be cool with the fact that they’re leak-proof, BPA free water bottle is also dishwasher safe.

Nalgene, water bottles, marvel collection, hulk, avengers, avenger water bottle, marvel stuff,


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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