Paint by sticker masterpieces, sticker, activity book, paint, activity, activities

Paint By Sticker Masterpieces, small stickers add up to big art

We received a couple of books recently that are in a class to themselves. One of these books is Paint By Sticker Masterpieces; it’s the next level up from Paint By Stickers For Kids that our oldest son completed. Paint by Sticker Masterpieces is an intricate, detail rich way for advanced puzzle kids and adults to create unique works of art, in a cubist, rough animated manner.

Paint by sticker masterpieces, sticker, activity book, paint, activity, activities

The book has two sections. The first of which are the templates that your stickers will go on. These are pages that look like art with a classic background and a large white space that’s been broken up with various angled shapes with letters and numbers in them. E6, D31, B26 and so on, without there seemingly being any rhyme or reason as to how they are arranged.

The second half of the book is where the stickers are located. That section of the book looks more organized with all of the stickers broken up into classes by their number and leading alphabet letter.

Paint by sticker masterpieces, sticker, activity book, paint, activity, activities

Paint By Sticker Masterpieces seems very difficult-and it is much more challenging than its kid version. However, for adults it won’t be difficult and for children who like puzzles it’ll be challenging, but not something that they’re unable to do.

Our 7 year old was excited when he saw the book, then slightly anxious when he saw that most of the puzzles have over 200 stickers. We showed him that you can finish each puzzle by doing all of the letters first or by hunting and pecking for each specific sticker. There are pros and cons to each method.

Paint by sticker masterpieces, sticker, activity book, paint, activity, activities

With the first method you finish all of the stickers in a certain letter, but have stickers in what looks like a haphazard pattern. The second way allows you to finish a quadrant of the puzzle at a time, but you’re going back and forth to the sticker page to find certain stickers. Either way, find the blank space or find the sticker you’ll be re-creating a masterpiece.

It’s an almost certainty that your work of art will have a sliver of white space where your sticker doesn’t line up perfectly within the blank pages. This is entirely a case of user error and it’s OK. When the finished picture is looked at, as a whole, that white sliver of anti-color helps add to the uniqueness of each one.

Every page in the book is perforated so that you can get the sticker pages to the blank canvas and removed the finished piece once it’s complete. Our son wanted to give a couple of his finished masterpieces to his great grandparents. However, they would also look good in your cubicle at work, on the refrigerator or their bedroom wall.

There are 12 sticker puzzles in the book. The easier ones that 45 minutes to complete while the more difficult ones will take you an hour and a half. Paint By Stickers is $14.95. Our son really enjoyed finishing the book and it was an activity that we helped him with in the process. As an adult it was very cathartic because it’s a fun activity that uses your mind just enough to where you’re thinking, but rarely frustrated.

Paint by sticker masterpieces, sticker, activity book, paint, activity, activities

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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