Ghostbusters, power rangers, penguins, uncle scrooge, regular show, all age comic books, comic books, dc comics, summer vacation

New all age comic books for June 1

The first week of summer vacation and the new all age comic books for the week are a great chance to take the kids out to the store. This is just a reminder to try to not have them touch the trinkets, models or anything in the store. When we first started going weekly I could see the look of dread in the staff’s eyes, now they know the kids and are great with them.

In humor comic books you can dig into Penguins of Madagascar trade paperback that collects issues 1-4 of the mini-series and is quite good. Uncle Scrooge has two new offerings this week, issue #15 and a trade paperback called Eternal Knot. Television favorites and great comics in their own right, Bob’s Burgers and Regular Show are out too.

Ghostbusters, power rangers, penguins, uncle scrooge, regular show, all age comic books, comic books, dc comics, summer vacation

It’s also a good week for all age superheroes with Teen Titans GO!, Power Rangers Pink, Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Civil War and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop & Rocksteady Destroy Everything  can get your young reader on the right path.

Science fiction has a $1 comic from IDW for Ghostbusters that you must pick up. Ghosbusters, The New Ghostbusters is a great all age comic book and one that the entire family can get behind. This is a reprint of earlier stories that’ll serve as an introduction for only a buck.  There are lots of other great science fiction titles in the post and podcast.

Also in the podcast we’ll touch on the changes that DC Comics are going through. They’ve lowered the price of their headline comics to $2.99, with each two issues of each title coming out monthly. The links will take you to TFAW where you’ll save 20% on any order and if you want to find your closest comic book store just pop your zip code into the comic book store locator.





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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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