The $1 Summer Movies at Regal Cinema for 2016 #SummerMovieExpress

The Summer Movie Express 2016 schedule for Regal Cinema is out. This is a big deal. The $1 summer movies happen twice a week at your local Regal Cinema location. The movie times might vary from theater to theater, but the movies will remain the same-and every single one of them is great for kids 6 and older. Each film will be rated G or PG. Do we take our 4 year old to some PG films? Absolutely, he’s even seen a majority of the PG films in this summer’s lineup. However, gauge for yourself to see if your child would be OK with each individual film.

Regal Cinema, Summer Movie Express, shaun the sheep, minions, peanuts, the lego movie,

Once you put your zip code into the theater finder just click on ‘view schedule’ and you’ll see the time and date that your local will be showing the movies.  For example week one at our local theater starts on June 7 and is showing the films at 10:00 AM on Tuesday and Wednesday. The same films are being show on each day. So during week one the kids and I could see The Lego Movie and/or Max at 10:00 AM on Tuesday or Wednesday.

For complete details on the $1 Summer Movie Express please check out the Regal Cinema website.

Here’s the complete list of films.

Week one

The Lego Movie



Week two


The Iron Giant: Signature Edition


Week three


Smurfs 2


Week four

Despicable Me 2



Week five


The Peanuts Movie


Week six

Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Road Chip

Curious George


Week seven

The Book of Life

Hotel Transylvania 2


Week eight

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Shaun the Sheep

Week nine

The Croods

Dr. Suess’ The Lorax

Published by

Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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