Slack in the leash, UniteMonday and team parenting

Slack in the leash, #UniteMonday and team parenting

I’m a Sisterhood of the Motherhood Partner and was compensated for this post. All thoughts are our own. Before I was a dad I was a pet owner. It was two fabulous dogs, living with me and two fabulous cats who begrudgingly accepted the circumstances of the two canines.  I’d let Abby and Wilson have enough fun on these walks to have smell things, look silly and get their exercise. They had a kick running and it was good for my fitness, but it wasn’t the best for their training. Because of that I learned that I had to control the show, even though part of the goal was for them to have fun, they couldn’t get too far away from what they knew or how they should act.  Parenting, especially during the holidays and on the weekend is akin to this. #UniteMonday is about dealing with the potential guilt or judgment that comes after these times, realizing that it’s all OK and encouraging positive thoughts.

Slack in the leash, #UniteMonday and team parenting

It’s the Monday after their birthday party. The kids had such a great fun, crazy time  on Saturday that they want to continue the festivities into the week. While that’s a great thought, they can’t. This same Monday occurs after any large event where the schedule changes due to a trip, festival, holiday or happening. As a parent you don’t want to rein in the fun during the event, but you also don’t want to deal with the craziness the day after.

The same goes for the parent that works out of the house and doesn’t see the child during the week. They might be tempted to let them stay up later, eat more ice cream or have more metaphorical slack in the leash. My wife and I switch it up on the weekends, even though I see them during the week. She might take both to an event or I may take one to something while she gets 1 on 1 time with the other one. Similar reminds parents not to feel guilty about any supposed lack of time you may think that you’re doing because it is not happening.

For us it’s a case by case situation. Sometimes, if it’s a super special event of holiday and we just have to take it. The premature meltdowns, more irrational than usual fights, awkward nap positions and sleep schedules that make our head spin. If the entire family is there then we usually waive the bed time card and let them get their kid play on. The down side to this day happens in 16 hours when they’re behind in sleep or think that the same level of entertainment will happen again.

This is where the dog has to have the leash pulled in just a little bit. Don’t get me wrong or twist my words, I’m not equating kids to dogs. From a responsibility level, as a guy who had nothing, except for two dogs and two cats; who then goes to having a wife and child, the paradigm shift is huge. Other pet owners used to judge me when the dogs would pull me on the leash.

Get your dogs under control. Who is in charge of that house? Our dogs are not playing with yours at the park.

Take the ‘dog’ aspect of the above situation out of the equation, replace them with a parent or child who is not behaving their best and we’ve all done it.

Come Monday, Jimmy Buffet sang that. After a weekend of looser than average parenting, Monday comes and it’s back to the real world for our small people. During that time they’re still in weekend party mode. As parents we know how much fun those weekend are; it’s the family get-togethers, big holidays or dogs going just a bit farther than they should on the leash.

How about #UniteMonday? It’s the Monday after a big event you can go ahead and factor in that the small people will be hyper, manic and unpredictable, but we’ll love them just as much. A great example of this was our previous weekend. Three Christmas parties and one museum-all crammed into one two day period. Bedtimes were late and their behavior was less than perfect the Monday after, but it’s water under the bridge. #UniteMonday, accept what you’re doing well and photograph the benchmark occasions.

Slack in the leash, UniteMonday and team parenting 2


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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