Voyager is a multi format book series that middle schoolers will love

Voyagers is a multi-format book series that middle schoolers will love

Hey, we were provided with samples for review. Prizes for the #Giveaway are done by Random House Children’s Books. When is a book not a book? It sounds like that dopey riddle on the back of a bubble gum wrapper, the answer was always “when he turns into a store”; but in this case it’s a book that open up to more options.  Voyagers is a book series that has a sister app with quizzes, games and activities on smart devices. It’s a logical extension of the publishing world that wouldn’t add up to much if it weren’t entertaining or well done.

Voyagers is a six-book series that puts Earth in an emergency crisis with all of its energy drying out within the next 100 years. The only solution is for a group of space explorers, who are under 12 years old to go to six different planets to look for the power elements that could save the planet. Eight kids are competing for 4 positions on the ship that will take them on the trip. They compete in a training program where their puzzle skills, leadership and team work are all tested in order to ensure that the best candidates are chosen.

Voyager is a multi format book series that middle schoolers will love

The first book in the series, Voyagers: Project Alpha , starts out very quickly with a group of cadets being chased by a dinosaur. This is where the teamwork aspect of the competition comes fully into view. From there we learn a little about each applicant, their history and they’re there for the prize money or to help the planet.

There is a cadet for every child to identify to. The shy kid, athletic one, super competitive, funny and more. It’s a Benetton ad in space, but it works and the middle school audience that the book is aimed at will enjoy every minute of it.

Voyager is a multi format book series that middle schoolers will love

The online components of the book also get young reader drawn into the story. At the website you can create your own page, take (surprisingly difficult) quizzes on science, math or astronomoy or read bonus chapters after each book. The bonus chapters don’t change things that happen in the physical book, but its bonus material that young explorers will dig into. Plus, it’s all done as a puzzle, lots of ciphers, things to figure out that will initially trip up middle school readers, but are such that they can solve them, given a little thought.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Each book in the series is written by a different author that middle school fans will recognize. Project Alpha is written by D.J. MacHale, Book 2, Game of Flames by Robin Wasserman and Patrick Caarmen, Kekla Magoon, Jeanne DuPrau and Wendy Maas finish out the series.

Do you get the books for the interactivity of the app or try the app to see if your kids will like the book? If your children like fast moving, science fiction then they’ll really like Voyager. It’s not packed with science fiction, but it certainly has more than say, Big Nate or Wimpy Kid. If your kids like those books are ready for something a step higher the Voyagers series is good for them.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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