This is our go-to #Homegating grub, creature comforts from HH Gregg 2

This is our go-to Homegating grub, creature comforts from HH Gregg

The game. It could be the game for the college that you never graduated from, your adopted school, alma matter or you live in an area that is rampant with Saturday or Sunday afternoon anthropomorphic neighbors on the way to the stadium. Maybe it’s an ice rink or a dusty track in the country where horses with clever names do their best Jeff Gordon impression.  Homegating can solve your woes. It’s about staying at home, entertaining with great food and the best tech that can put you right into the game. HH Gregg is giving away $5,000 to make your fan cave complete, so that you can homegate with the best of them.

This is our go-to #Homegating grub, creature comforts from HH Gregg

No at-home experience is complete without the appetizers. Whenever we go to someone’s house we fill up on them so quickly we sometimes don’t eat the main course. Granted that all depends on what the main course is, as well as, what time it’s being served and if the game is enjoyable.

This is our go-to #Homegating grub, creature comforts from HH Gregg

Our favorite appetizers are mushrooms on the grill. They’re simple, have a taste that is much more complex than their simple nature and satisfy any friends that are vegetarians.

Ingredients needed: Portobello mushrooms, cream cheese, olive oil and your favorite shredded cheese.

  1. Remove the caps from the mushrooms and put some of the shredded cheese in.
  2. Cover the opening with cream cheese and lightly glaze the mushrooms with olive oil.
  3. If you’re grilling put them in some tin foil for 15 minutes. They also work in the oven for the same amount of time.
  4. Wasn’t that ridiculously simple to cook?
  5. Bonus: before putting the shredded cheese in the mushroom you can put just about ANYTHING in there and it’s still tasty. We’ve tried bacon, horseradish, bits of ham, feta, pesto and more and every time it was superb.

This is our go-to #Homegating grub, creature comforts from HH Gregg

So that takes care of the appetizer for your homegating extravaganza. How’s your technology? Ours is average, but what we could use is a nice recliner. Check out The Fridge chillin in the Jackson-Catnapper Patton Rocker Recliner. He seems like the kind of guy you want to have over to shoot the breeze with, engage in some sports themed rap videos and do anything as long as its happy. He seems like a really happy cat.

This is our go-to #Homegating grub, creature comforts from HH Gregg

We could also use the Ninja Nutri Ninja Pro Blender. Part of me just likes it because it has the word ‘ninja’ in it twice. Other parts of me like it because it can wreck vengeance to fruits and veggies in order to mix them up for my tasty drinks.

That $5,000 HH Gregg is giving away towards one lucky person’s fan cave would certainly satisfy both of those items-and then some. Entering is simple, de-stem five mushrooms and it takes that long. So, what is your fan cave lacking? Start dreaming, enter and put that positive energy into visualizing what your fan cave can be.  Hey, we partnered with and were compensated by HH Gregg for this post. All thoughts are our own, the recipe is really tasty and then some.  

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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