Planning our Miles From Tomorrowland party spon

Planning our Miles From Tomorrowland party #Spon

We were compensated or provided product for this post. All thoughts are our own. How to entertain a kitchen full of kids who are craving adventures from the Callisto family. Miles Callisto and his family travel through space engaging in all kinds of adventures with aliens, a robot ostrich who help Miles and other fun characters. The show is a big hit with our kids and they love watching it whenever they go somewhere that has cable-hello grandma’s house! We planned a party with a group of our oldest child’s friends, complete with some Miles From Tomorrowland toys, here’s what we learned.

Planning our Miles From Tomorrowland party

First off we planned the party, but also factored in a couple gray areas in case the kids were having lots of fun with a certain activity. Secondly, we started cleaning the house on two days before the party, that way we weren’t in a cleaning panic the night before or the morning of the party. These are both things that we adhere to when it comes to any events at the house and they help us immensely.

One of the things we were sent were some Miles From Tomorrowland action figures. There were two of each character and we placed them in the trees for the guests to find when they arrived. It was like an Easter egg hunt, except nothing was on the ground and all of the toys were hidden well enough to put some pause in the efforts of a toy hungry five-year old.

Planning our Miles From Tomorrowland party

After the kids found all of the action figures they came back to home base space station, AKA, the kitchen and opened their figures. Prior to the party we had opened the space vehicles including the Stellosphere, Starjetter and the Superstellar Blastboard. While the toys (any toy actually) did come out of the box, removing them in a timely manner when you have young kids foaming at the mouth to play with them is intimidating.

It’s because of this situation that we removed all of the constraints, took them out of the box and then gently placed them back in. That way the kids can take them out of the box-look a new toy!-and it really is new, but it doesn’t need the batteries checked or to have mom or dad fiddle with the tie downs. We also do that toy procedure for birthdays and Christmas too.

Planning our Miles From Tomorrowland party


Activity bonus: if you’re planning a Miles From Tomorrowland party their site has lots of downloadable games, crafts and other activities.

We actually opened the Superstellar Blastboard a day before the party. I did that because I knew it would be challenging for me to understand and I needed to be sure I could explain it to the guests. I showed it to our almost six year old and he played with it for a bit, but didn’t really figure it out.  It wasn’t until one party guest just hopped on it the next day and made it dance. He intuitively knew to push the middle button with his feet and then follow the light prompts to make the game work.

Planning our Miles From Tomorrowland party 3

The Stellosphere and Starjetter are simple enough and don’t require any major instructions. The Stellosphere is a big toy that is not complex, has three parts that all fit together or can play apart from one another.  It has a glow in the dark chamber for the action figures, ramp for quick escape, pilot windshield that opens and has battle sounds with flashing lights.

Planning our Miles From Tomorrowland party 2

Young captains with the Starjetter can access the storage bay for Miles’ skateboard and play with its extending, ostrich-like legs on wheels and put the action figures in the pilot’s area. This toy can actually roll on hard, smooth surfaces and has a simple one push button to make the legs retract.

In the end we stuck to the party schedule with a couple exceptions. Snack time took longer than expected, as did the free play time, but by then all of the kids were in their own world of play, having conversations that adults can’t grasp, but 5-year olds are fluent in.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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