Recess Monkey, Hot Air is intelligent, fun kindie that the whole family will love

From the first: 90 of Hot Air, the 12th release from Recess Monkey you will be hooked. From that period on I was smiling; bobbing my head and was torn between what I wanted more, to replay the song I had heard or to discover the next song. There is a reason that Recess Monkey is one of the top names in kindie and this release is a great example of what quality music should be, regardless of the genre or audience.

Hot Air has a loose theme of travel throughout. Most of the songs have something to do with movement, many of them with air travel, but the release doesn’t tell a story. Listeners will immediately notice the numerous instruments used on the tracks. It’s pop based music with its feet in kindie, but playing more instruments than you might expect from a children’s album.* You’ll hear the clarinets, trombone, saxophone and trumpet, in addition to the usual suspects, the guitar, bass, drums and piano.

Each song has a playful vibe that makes you want to move. And by you, I mean the adults. Kids will already want to run about, urged on by the harmonies and general silliness that they inspire. Some of the songs are perilously close to indie rock-and I do not mean that as a bad thing.

Hand Me Downs is a silly song about shopping at a thrift store. However, after listening to it you will think to yourself that this is too good to be kindie. Kindie is music meant for children isn’t it? But this song, aside from the silly lyrics about shopping is funky, soulful and one of the best things that you’ll listen to today.

The same goes for What Do You See. It’s a song about a dragon, but the lyrics are the only aspect of this song that is young. It’s loaded with variety, different audio effects, a 60’s style piano and would easily fit in on an eclectic radio show. This is not music just for kids and we prove this many times during the week when we listen to it without the kids.

There really is not a bad song on Hot Air. There will be songs that you like more than others, but none of them are bad. The entire release is flooded with sunshine pop. OK, I just made that term up, but it’s the kind of pop music that crosses genres and simply makes you smile and is great for any age.  Hot Air by Recess Monkey zips past the Christmas Music test, laps it a couple times and smiles when it passes you.

*Again, I feel like a dinosaur calling this an album, but old habits die hard.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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