Back to School National Geographic Kids #Giveaway #BlogPopEvents

Back to school is awesome! National Geographic Kids produce some of the most awesome books out there! Giveaways are awesome! Things are really upbeat here at the office today apparently. With back to school happening (or has already happened) we’ve got a great National Geographic Kids giveaway with five books that will entertain kids that are five and up.

Back to School National Geographic Kids #Giveaway #BlogPopEvents 2

Our almost six-year old loves some nature. He’s too young to read most books by himself and that’s what makes some of the National Geographic Kids books so appropriate. They’re assisted reading books in that children of a certain age can understand what’s going on, but can’t read it yet themselves.

A great example of this is Quiz Whiz 5. It’s packed with hundred of questions and situations that he can’t read, but does understand. For example on page 128, Brainbox asks “What animal has the largest brain” and then lists elephant, gorilla, shark and sperm whale as the possible answers. Those animals he knows, now it’s just a matter of him guessing which one it is.

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This giveaway includes a copy of Quiz Whiz 5, Just Joking: Animal Riddles, Sharks: Sticker Activity Book and two Funny Fill In books. The Funny Fill In books are for kids that can write and read well because it requires them to know basic English grammar like adjectives, adverbs, nouns and  to fill in various blanks. This giveaway is being done with a handful of other bloggers in #BlogPopEvents. To see what everyone else is giving away-and to enter, just check out the following blurb.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

19 thoughts on “Back to School National Geographic Kids #Giveaway #BlogPopEvents”

  1. If they are on the verge of crazy, we sit my grandsons down and read books to them to calm them down!

  2. When they are on the verge of crazy we sometimes crank up the music and have a dance party to wear them out

  3. Get them out the house to play basketball or soccer. If the weather is bad, I am in TROUBLE!

  4. Ha! While my son was growing up and it was Summer time (we live in Florida so that’s about 9 months of the year), we’d go to the pool. (Either in an apartment complex or the public pool.) During the Winter time, we’d break out the board games and play, play, play. 🙂

  5. When my kids are getting a little crazy, I grab their scooters and we head to the park to get some energy out. It always works. 🙂

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