Planet Gigantic #4 awesome, noir, space, monster all age comic

We’re big fans of Planet Gigantic here.  It’s an all age comic book that delivers on anything that you want or think that the genre isn’t putting out there.   Fabulous art, great story, girl heroes, boy heroes and lots of action are things that this limited series has going for it.

Planet Gigantic 4

You don’t need to read the first three issues to understand what’s going on, but it certainly helps.  Yuri and Valentina are teenage human clones who have crashed landed on a strange, new world.  Yuri is being held prisoner, while Valentina, Layana, Neva and Ignatius the rock monster try to save him.

Don’t be fooled by Neva even though she’s momentarily helping them.  She’s an evil Princess who’s bent on world domination and in league with Narog, an evil being who is holding Yuri captive.  Through some scientific experimenting Yuri’s superpowers are extracted and momentarily absorbed by Neva.

Planet Gigantic 4 art

While all this is going on the group is trying to escape the castle and maintain control of the black staff that controls mystical power.

Planet Gigantic is what an all ages comic book should be.  It’s not at all condescending or speaks down to young readers.  At the same time, it’s engaging enough for older readers to enjoy on many levels.  The art work looks like it’s from another time, with the eyes drawn without pupils for instance.  That characteristic gives it a noir, pulp novel feel that is complemented by the spiky hair, rough appearance of some drawings.

This is also a great example of a comic for those looking for strong female characters.  Planet Gigantic does such a good job of setting up Yuri and Valentina that one could easily make the case that either one is the main hero.

You might still be able to get all four issues of Planet Gigantic in stores.  If not the trade paperback is being released this summer.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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