The Aviators never takes flight, WWI true story with pigeons

The Aviators is based on a true story about pigeons in World War I.  I assume that the true story was from the perspective of humans and that they made the movie from the pigeon’s perspective, because it would be entertaining for children.  If that were the case then this could’ve been it, but this version of The Aviators feels like a TV movie that stretches out to a very long 73 minutes.

The film features the vocal talents of Brad Garrett  and Jeff Foxworthy among others.   However, when you look at the IMDB page for the film it has two different voices in their place and a much earlier release date.  I suspect that it was re-recorded with their voices and released again with an all English speaking cast.

It takes place on a farm with all of the animals goofing around the way they do in any animated film.  The comedic focus and main character is a mouse who invents things and can’t fly.  Their stable, which is ironically shaped like an antennae is being converted into a metal antennae so that the Allies can relay signals for the war.

Some hawks emerge and try to sabotage the antennae with the main hawk wearing an iron cross to signify whose side he’s on.  The mouse, whose name I already forgot and isn’t listed on the box, press release or IMDB site, saves the day by making a metal plane that scares away everyone.

There are some things to like about The Aviators, but much more to push viewers away.  Children might enjoy it and to be fair, our 5 year old seemed to enjoy it, but anyone that’s seen more than 5 animated films will find themselves bored in a hurry.

Another reason why adults might not like it is that there have been umpteen other movies named “Aviator” something.  The Aviator, The Aviator’s Wife, The Aviator (1981), the TV show, the video game, the music and more.  It’s an overused title for a sub-par movie that makes it immediately forgettable.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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