Adventure Time #32 is (almost) all age comic weirdness

Kaboom Studios makes some of the best all age comic books on the market.  From Garfield, Herobear, Peanuts to Regular Show and others they put out a great variety of books.  Adventure Time is as inventive, creative, weird and wonderful as the television show.  There is nothing objectionable to young readers and the sole reason for putting (almost) in the title is that younger readers won’t be able to follow the plot.

Adventure Time 32

At the end of our young reader’s day, does it really matter if they follow the plot?  And, having said that, the plot in Adventure Time #32 is about Finn trying to break Mnemonoid’s curse, a trip through the Ice and Brunch Kingdoms.  It’s a time traveling adventure that involves Finn forgetting things and a questionable future.

Adventure Time #32 was too trippy for our 5 year old to understand and appreciate.  After reading it twice and remembering the characters from the show I got it and could follow along.  I suspect that when I show this to our 7 year old nephew he’ll love it and promptly want to borrow (see: have) our copy.

The art in Adventure Time is identical to the show and fans, regardless of age are probably already reading this.  Adventure Time is an all ages comic-and if your young readers are already watching the show then they’ll like the comic.  If they’re not watching the show then the comic might be some getting used to.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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