Whistlefritz French For Kids, On Va jouer DVD review & giveaway

Wait, you said that you were listening to Spanish with your kids, what’s up?  We are indeed listening to the Spanish program that Whistlefritz has, but I also want our children to know bits of French.  Once you get past the pronunciation the two languages have lots in common and the best way to learn a language when you’re a child is through exposure, immersion and repetition.  Whistlefritz , On Va Jouer (Let’s Play) has many of the songs that are on Allons Danser, the French for kids music CD.

What is immediately evident if you’ve seen any of the previous Whsitlefritz DVDs is that the graphics are sharper.  They’ve introduced a new interactive computer animated character

The words for the vocabulary that they’re teaching flash on the screen when they’re introducing them.  Whistlefriz does that with all of their videos and it feels like they’re leaving them on screen for a longer period of time.  They’re clearer and seem to stand out more too.

TPR is a great way for a child to learn a second language.  Part of that teaching method involves children being introduced to the language in more than one manner.  Touching, seeing, speaking or combinations of sensory techniques help people learn quicker.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Because the children see the word, hear Mari speak the word and hopefully hear you speak the word they’re more likely to enjoy it and learn quicker.    We watch these videos with our children and while.  They may not think it’s cool for me to watch it with them, but I workout or type while they watch them.  I’ll repeat the words and try to engage them in conversation with them after the video is done.

The liner notes to On Va Joeur come with French and English vocabulary and song lyrics.  This is great for parents who read along or want to speak with their kids after watching the DVD.  What we like about the Whistlefritz immersion language DVDs is that they are entirely intended for children, but it’s something that adults can watch without falling asleep.

The presenter for the DVD series, Mari does a great job of engaging the viewers.  She laughs lots and repeats the words in slow, clear pronunciation.  Fans of 80’s music will find her laugh almost identical to that half second laughing introduction to Duran Duran’s Hungry Like the Wolf.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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