Blog Forward Challenge update: baby steps to the goal

So back in February I wrote down some of my New Year’s goals.  That’s the blessing and curse of writing them down, it’s in print and ready to remind you at any moment.  For me though, I’m glad that I wrote them down because they were goals that I genuinely want to accomplish.  Watch more cat videos-check.  There were also some much more productive goals that I’ll get to in a moment.

Zone Perfect power charger

Recap on the goals from the first post from the Blog Forward Challenge by Zone Perfect.  My goals were to snack less & better and to stretch more.  Simple goals they were with mixed results. Again, had my goals been to watch more cat videos I would be leagues ahead of where I set the bar.

No soda!

Well, ‘no soda’ is an exaggeration, but it’s certainly much less soda.  Once I looked at the amount of sugar in soda and the number that it was doing to my teeth I had to dramatically reduce the amount.   For the record I was drinking a couple of 2 liters a week, yikes.  Now maybe I’ll have a couple 12 ounce cans a week.

Semi regular stretching

Confession, the pace of my semi-regular stretching increased the more I thought about the fact that I had to write this post.  That drives home the point that writing down goals really does help you make them come true.

Less salt

Hat tip to my wife for helping me on this. I used to put salt on everything that might possibly need salt.   I wouldn’t even try it first, put some salt on it, try it and then probably put some more salt on it.   I use less than half the amount of salt that I used to do.

My snacking habits have improved a bit also.  I eat more veggies and don’t need to busy snack as much as I needed to in the past. Our youngest child has picked the Dark Chocolate Strawberry from Zone Perfect as his favorite.  He’s only 2 so his taste buds are much more mature than his age.

If you become a ZonePerfect® VIP you’ll save up to $10.  It’s simple and the $10 savings relates to savings spread across a one year period.  But it’s $10 that you otherwise would’ve spent; now you saved it.  Winning.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Speaking of winning, keep your electronic charge on when you go portable with this Zone Perfect charger.  We’re giving it away.  Cue RHCP in 3, 2, 1. but speaking of eating, our dinner habits have also improved, note the following chart.

Postable - Condiment Swaps (1) Postable - Sides Swaps

Our avocado intake has dramatically increased.  Avocados, its nature’s butter.   We even wrote a post on the best way to cut an avocado.

We also cook sweet potatoes many times a week.   Coincidentally, we’re preparing a post on the best way to cook sweet potatoes.

Smart choices.  Getting control of your diet are all about smart choices.  One doesn’t have to totally cut something out, just make smart choices about what you eat, how much you exercise and you’ll get those baby steps to the goal.

I’m working with Zone Perfect as part of the Blog Forward Challenge.  All thoughts are my own.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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