Looking for children’s Earth Day activities? #ad

Earth Day is April 22.  You don’t have to get all Captain Planet in order to do things to take part in Earth Day.  In fact it’s better if you do little things every day of the year, as opposed to doing a one big clean out or group project.  If you’re looking for children’s Earth Day activities look no further than our monthly post over at the SC Johnson blog.


Children’s Earth Day activities don’t need to involve going somewhere, buying things or getting your hands dirty.  Of course, some of the activities can involve those things, but it can also be as simple as surfing the web and playing games on the EPA’s website.

My favorite thing that our son’s preschool class did was creating Recycle Robot.  The teachers had the kids bring in various cardboard and they made a robot.           During one of the times when all the parents were in the class room the kids all said hello to Recycle Robot and it was ridiculously cute.  You could also start a children’s library with your friends, start a garden, be crafty or other ideas that were brought up in the post.

My monthly posts on the SC Johnson blog are paid.  All thought are entirely my own.

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