The best product review that I never did: Melanoma #Ad

I review the majority of products that are sent to me.  Some books slip through the cracks, but for the most part things get reviewed in a timely fashion here.  One thing that slipped through the cracks was the Phillips Norelco BodyGroom Pro.  I had a great post about shaving my body all lined up and a couple of jokes.  However, in using the product we discovered a mole that turned out to be malignant, cancerous and evil- the jokes were cancelled for a bit.

Inside the melonoma dx

Almost a year later I look back, say thanks to our Melanoma doctor and view the Norelco BodyGroom Pro in an entirely different light.  Let’s be clear the body shaver did not save my life.  However, shaving my body did alert me to a mole that looked different.

Let’s be clear, it’s not that I’m the first generation standing or anything.   The device just shaved and trimmed, we knew there was a mole there, it’s the fact that we noticed it a couple of times that motivated us to visit the dermatologist.

Piedmont Healthcare has a site set up to discuss all manner of health issues.  For the men’s site urology, prostates, vasectomies, melanoma, heart attacks and anything else pertaining to the XY side of the chromosome fence.  They also have a Living Better email that goes out with updates about all thing health.  You can input any areas of interest and have said information sent to the inbox.

Recap:  Melanoma sucks.

It’s a form of cancer that is very deadly, common, somewhat preventable, but also treatable if you catch it in the early stages.  Ours was caught early, hadn’t spread to the sentinel lymph nodes and taught us a very valuable lesson.

An important takeaway is not to fear the sun, but to respect the sun and don’t visit tanning beds.  Really, you’re not getting a fake tan, are you?   Side note:  did you know that a suntan and especially a sunburn changes your DNA?


The sun is not our friend.

To an extent I joke.  I’m all for solar power, love the fact that plants grow and the warmth that it provides, but people in the sun for the purposes getting a tan are just plain crazy. I still go out in the sun, but it’s with a hat and I seek the shade whenever I can.   I’ve never been a sun tan person previously, but this little exercise has focused our attention like a laser beam.

One of the frightening things about skin cancer is that it’s common, requires daily preventative maintenance and that the bottle of sun screen that you have should last for only 4-6 applications-NOT all summer long.

Melanoma taught me that you can’t wish things away or simply believe then into not being reality.  Be proactive in your health, especially if you have family.  That mole, lump, injury or whatnot isn’t going to diagnose itself.

We received compensation from Piedmont Healthcare for this post.  All thoughts are our own and it really is your responsibility to feel, prod or shave yourself in the name of maintaining your health.  

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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