Changing the rooms from winter to spring with @Kmart #AD

This is a sponsored post. I am a Kmart blogger, though all opinions are my own.  At the end of a long cold winter areas that need improvement are more apparent.  In our home they may not be bad areas, but just rooms that need something new.   Granted certain areas, specifically the ones where the children tend to play or watch television are those that need the most new things.  The Kmart Semi Annual Home Sale can hook you up with the accessories, or the main components to fully bring it from gloom to room.

Make the children in this ad one year younger and it’s typical of our house.  Side note: that is the coolest cardboard fort I’ve ever seen.  This winter the walls and sofa have been drawn on, a couple pillows have gone the way of the Dodo and numerous other things have broken or suffered wear due to hyper children and too many days indoors.

There are lots of new decorating trends and ideas this spring.  Spend just a minute on Kmart website and you’ll notice what’s popular.  Granted they have furniture or accessories in a multitude of colors and patterns, but if you’re looking for what’s fresh @Kmart has that also.

If it’s an area that your children didn’t thrash during the winter months; like the bathroom or the office you can find large furniture to organizational things to make the room new.   Of course it’s entirely possibly your kids messed up those rooms too.  Point being that any room in the house can be totally redone or seasonally tweaked with a touch of spring at Kmart.

Bonus-If you’re s Shop Your Way Member you’ll get $5 back in points for every $30.  That’s like free money.  Another way of looking at it is a 1/6th discount on everything you purchase.

So, what do you need to update?

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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