It’s the #MoreLove twitter party, 2/7 at 1PM ET with Kmart, $200 in prizes

Certain phrases bring about a smile.  #MoreLove is one of them.  You might have heard it with the popular Bob Marley song, but in this instance, #MoreLove is a twitter party with Kmart on Friday, February 7 at 1:00 PM ET.  They’ll have $200 in gift cards from Kmart, some Valentine’s Day ideas (coming up just around the corner) and more.

The #MoreLove twitter party with Kmart is February 7 at 1PM ET.  $200 in prizes and lots of groovy Valentine’s Day ideas-see you there!

I am really lucky in my marriage.  My wife doesn’t need much.  Granted she does like the occasional special surprise or little gift and in those instances Kmart has a big ole selection to choose from.  They’ve got the whimsy and the jewelry, plus any tools or yard machines that the house may happen to need.

To take part in the #MoreLove twitter party is simple.

Just RT this:


And engage in the #MoreLove twitter party from 1-2PM ET on Friday, February 7.  Chat with people, share some gift ideas, RT the witty things, share lovey type moments and have fun.

Cross your fingers and you might win one of the many gift cards to Kmart that we’ll be giving away.

In case you missed it, Valentine’s Day is soon, very soon.   See you at the Kmart, #MoreLove twitter party from 1-2PM ET on February 7!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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