How to make flour hand casts #Sponsored

I’m an SC Johnson blogger.  Every month I write posts for their Green Choices blog.  This is an excerpt from that post and a link to a post about the topic.  

If you have children you’ll want to mark a period of their life by some sort of print.  A hand or foot print is what you’ll go with and there are a couple ways to do it.  We’ve made hand casts a couple of different ways, both with plaster and flour.  Of the two, flour is much easier and produces better hand casts.

Daddy Mojo SC Johnson_DIY-Flour-Hand-&-Foot-Casts-_Feb2014

Plaster hand casts aren’t bad, but flour is easier to work with and more pliable if your subject matter wiggles or messes up the material.  I should say, when your subject matter wiggles, because they will and you’ll have to do the cast in more than one attempt in all likelihood.

Making a flour hand cast is simple and require very few resources.  Flour, water, salt, a rolling pin, oven and creativity are all that you need.  You can dig the entire process here.  It’s not too time consuming and can be done in 20 minutes if you time it right.

Hint:  Pick the best time for your child.  For us it was after naps when they were the most willing to have their hands be manipulated by us.  We tried doing the hands and feet, but the feet were all but impossible to do.

Good luck with your own flour hand casts!  Ours are still proudly displayed years after we made them.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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