Memories of Christmas ornaments and stockings past #Ad

Part of our Christmas holiday gifts this year include various things from Personal Creations.  This is a sponsored post from them about my holiday memories growing up.  They have a wide selection of unique holiday gifts that can be personalized for your family.  Want to save 20% on your Christmas or holiday orders?  Here’s a handy link that’ll allow you to do that!  The story of Christmas decorations and me are like that of many men.  We start out as boys loving them, go through our teens shooting them with a BB gun, forget about them in college and then start loving them again when we get married.  Your story may differ a bit from mine, but I’m sure that there are some similarities.

Family rules

Back in the day all of my families Christmas decorations were glass or some fragile wooden creation.  I remember I was allowed to touch the gold, metal things that spun around when you lit the candles below it.  I was allowed to touch that until I used the magnets on the refrigerator to magnetize all of the metal angels.  I thought it was great that I had altered their personality to where they’d stick to one another.

When I was old enough to be able to assist in decorating the tree I was able to put on some of the ornaments and some of the tinsel.  Unfortunately about that time I also received a BB gun as a present and proceeded to use some of the glass Christmas ornaments as target practice that year too.

Then I became a teenager and didn’t’ want to decorate for many years.  I went to college, had the Charlie Brown Christmas tree, but secretly wanted to hang a stocking or decorate, but didn’t.  After graduation I had a small artificial tree with disposable ornaments.

It wasn’t until I got married that the adult Christmas tree decorations emerged again.  The one with our first married Christmas, first babies’ Christmas and so on.  Our kids will get used to seeing these ornaments from when they were wee babies because they will see them every single year.  After years of not decorating it’s good to find my inner decorating Griswold again.

Christmas stockings were another matter.  The Christmas stocking that I had as a child was handmade and I never really liked it.  While I appreciated the uniqueness and work that my mother put into it, the Christmas stocking was crocheted, so there were holes throughout it.  To a small boy, these holes represented areas where toys or candy could escape.  It would escape; my older sister would get them and never share it with me.

The first Christmas after my wife and I got married my mother-in law gave me a Christmas stocking with my name on it.  Thankfully it was not crocheted.  However, I wouldn’t have let her in on the fact that I was once afraid of the holes and the black hole they once represented to candy or small gifts back in the day.

Follow Personal Creations Blogger Board: Christmas Ideas on Pinterest

My new Christmas stocking hangs up every Christmas Eve, next to my wife’s and our children’s.   On Christmas Eve it gets filled up late at night by my wife with candy and a couple small gifts.  Thankfully in previous years my wife has remembered to fill her own Christmas stocking because I have forgotten every single year.  *I’m totally remembering to fill it this year.



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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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