The #KmartFab15 toys twitter party with #Barbie, Hot Wheels & great prizes, 12/10, 1PM ET

With Christmas and the rest of the holidays just around the corner now is the time to get serious about your toy gift giving.  Cue the #KmartFab15 twitter party with your hosts @KmartDeals, @HotWheels and @Barbie to talk about the toys that you need to know about.  There will also be some gift cards given away-just in time for your holiday shopping at the #KmartFab15 twitter party on December 10 at 1 PM ET.

Mattel Hot Wheels Car Maker Mold Pack

If you have a child you know basically what you’re giving them, don’t you?  A good rule of thumb is that if the child is under 10 then either something Barbie or Hot Wheels is a safe bet.  We have two boys and picked up some Hot Wheels stuff a couple of weeks ago.  To be clear, these were to be played with and not the ones that will be kept in their packaging for collecting.

Don’t freak out if you still need gift ideas or simply want to try to win some of those rockin gift cards that Kmart gives away during their twitter parties.  Here’s how to register for the #KmartFab15 twitter party.

-Follow the host @Kmart account and co-host/participants @KmartDeals, @Hot_Wheels & @Barbie accounts.

– Retweet this:


– Participate in the conversation, answer questions, be witty, share your old or new school toy stories. Be sure to use the hashtag #KmartFab15 or you’ll be talking to yourself and that is not exactly a twitter party.

Fun and easy, isn’t it?  Tuesday, December 10, 1 PM ET-it’s the #KmartFab15 twitter party with Barbie and Hot Wheels.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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