Items from Personal Creations are perfect for people who have everything #Ad

This is a sponsored post from Personal Creations.  Want to save 20% on your Christmas or holiday orders?  Here’s a handy link that’ll let you to do that!  When I first got married I discovered that my wife loved anything that had her monogram on it.  That was low hanging gift fruit for a couple of years.  The hand towels in the bathroom, the beach towels and gym bag all were emblazoned with her initials.  However, after a while the thrill was gone and my gift fruit had gone the way of the dodo.  Personal Creations takes the personalization of gifts to new heights by being able to truly personalize all manner of gifts.

Family tree print

Witness the above canvas.  It’s got our family name on it with the members of the family written in the hearts that are in the tree.  It is printed on canvas with a wood frame and takes the personalized gifts that my wife loves to a new high.  This is one of those gifts that you intend on giving it to them on a certain date, but you just can’t wait to give it to them.

Yeah, this was supposed to be a Christmas present, but it totally snuck out of the gift gate ahead of schedule.  If you’re up for more ideas dig their Pinterest board for nice Christmas gifts.

Follow Personal Creations Blogger Board: Christmas Ideas on Pinterest

Now imagine that you’re looking for a great gift for dad.  What about a galvanized beverage (see: beer) tub that can be engraved with their name?  So you’re hubby is a grilling guru-what about a personalized King of the Grill Wood Cutting Board?  The items that Personal Creations has is seemingly endless and most certainly has something that is in your wheelhouse.

Life Preserver

Oh really, you can personalize a life preserver? That would go great for our in-laws who live near the beach.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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